7 Ways to Avoid Confusing Facts With Opinions When Writing

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Are you about to write an article for your blog, website, or another online medium? If so, I imagine you'll want to add your thoughts and opinions as an author. But how do you know what is fact and who's just someone's opinion? After all, having the same facts in front of you can be confusing. To understand them, it's pretty simple you need to know that opinions come from people, and facts come from reliable sources. At first, this may seem easy, but it can make life difficult when you have to fix which articles to select based on evidence rather than your ideas. That's why I advise you to avoid giving your readers the impression that you're being ambiguous or hiding your true intentions behind facts, as your article may not be well received. You must avoid confusing them at all costs to give readers an informed opinion on a topic of interest. Here are seven ways I suggest you avoid confusing them when you write.

Before we go any further, I want to show you the difference between the two so that you can at least have a clear idea.

What is the difference between facts and opinions?

A fact is an event that has already happened. It's something tangible that I can prove with documents, photos, videos, or witnesses.

On the other hand, an opinion is a value judgment that I, or another person, have about a fact, and it doesn't necessarily agree with me because everyone has a unique perspective on the world and its facts.

1. You should be aware of the difference between the two.

Facts are what is actual—that is, what is true—and opinion is what a person believes. To prevent mixing the two. It's crucial that your writing be argued or justified to prove its legitimacy. Most people care to base much of what they say on their knowledge and opinions. It is a mistake to assume that these things are true.

To give you an example.

  • "Cats have hair" is a fact.
  • "Cat hair is beautiful" is an opinion.

2. We must cite our sources.

We are sailing blind in a sea of half-truths and fake news. For our articles to become reliable sources, we must base our writing on original data, including all necessary details, time, and supporting information. To do this, I advise you to read different sources and be prepared to change your mind when the evidence shows you to be wrong. Although I think this will be a difficult task as it requires courage and humility. However, you ought to think about the opinions of others.

3. Separate facts from opinions when writing.

You should separate the part where you write facts from the part where you write opinions. That way, if you can separate them, you can write without confusing facts and opinions. However, people who write sentences that confuse facts and opinions are unfit to split them, even before they start writing. Even if they write in another format that separates them, their own opinion will be mix in the part of the text. To create sentences that don't combine facts and opinions, you must first be able to tell them apart in your mind.

A๏ผŽ Write down all the events that followed and the dialogues with others about the facts you want to tell in your writing.

People become confused when they mix up facts and opinions. They ignore each incident as they see fit.

To ensure that your content is honest, you should start by writing down all the elements that will make it authentic, such as what occurred at the time, who said what, and other pertinent information, in chronological order from credible sources.

B๏ผŽ Review what you wrote and rewrite the subjective parts of the expression into objective expressions.

People who confuse facts with opinions unconsciously interpret and judge many things subjectively.

For example, when you write down someone's statement, you may write, "He said '____,' as if he blamed me," but [as if he blamed me] is only subjective to that person, and you don't know whether it is or not.

So if you want to write the facts here, you should write "I said ____ ."

Similarly, about the event, you could write, "I had to wait long enough," but [long enough] is also subjective, so in this case, you should use an objective, concrete number, such as "I had to wait xx minutes."

In this way, the subjective expressions stand dragged from the written "sentence that is supposed to contain only facts" and transformed into objective terms.

If you have gone this far, you will be able to separate fact from opinion, so when you write, you will be able to write without confusing facts and opinions.

For those who are not used to this, it may seem tedious, but if you follow this process, you will be able to write better and communicate with others more easily.

That's a fine skill to learn, so if you tend to confuse facts with opinions, try practicing.

4. Fallacies in logic: Avoid falling for logical fallacies.

Sound reasoning to conclude your topic must use a powerful tool to verify your ideas. In other words, you need to be careful how you start writing your subject so that your conclusion is correct and representable. These errors are called logical fallacies. There are many others, such as misunderstanding the topic you are writing about, known as "circular reasoning." Before you start writing an essay or blog post, I suggest you look for or study any "logical fallacies."

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5. Don't generalize.

To avoid making readers feel bad and to give them the impression that your content is legitimate, don't generalize a study or subject you discuss in your topic. Don't conclude a single source that's too general. I advise speaking with others who have gone before you if you don't have adequate knowledge of the subject matter to ensure the accuracy of your work. Don't base your conclusions about a culture, school of thought, or population on the only piece of information you have. As a result, you need a ton of evidence before drawing any conclusions on the subject you are writing near.

For example: Since some people eat X, everyone who eats is X.

6. Be careful with information packages.

Here is an example:

After testing this site, they have confirmed that the website will never have any bugs and that everything will work according to what the site programmers say.

7. Avoid using unverified evidence.

When writing about a topic and you have solid evidence, you need to make sure that your evidence coincides with the subject you are writing about so that it isn't born out of context. It also applies to images and videos, which are particularly dangerous when taken out of context, as they are often considered strong proof. If they come from good, reliable, contextualized, and verified sources, they can serve as proof. Its evidence must be authentic. Today there are "Deepfakes" give you the chance to make real people and voices appear on a computer.

Frequently asked questions to avoid confusing facts with opinions.

A. Can an opinion also be a fact?

No, and yes. Facts and opinions are indistinguishable in themselves. They must be proven. But most of what we know is just rumor and repetition of what someone else has said or written. It is difficult to change other people's opinions and turn them into facts without using solid evidence, and even if you have it, it will take a lot of courage and humility. Most of us, including scientists, can't check facts fluidly, let alone on the fly.

So we resort to memory to find evidence and try to define the meaning of a word. Except that memories are confused, and fiction can easily make sense. That's how we lie.

B. Can our opinions ruin our friends' lives?

Yes. Humanity is so used to having an opinion and sharing it with others. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion about someone or something - a viewpoint or a judgment formed, even if it isn't founded on facts or knowledge because any idea can come to mind. What is wrong is using our opinions against others without knowing all the facts about our personal opinions. That is why I advise you to base your opinions on facts that have irrefutable evidence so that you can be sure of what you are saying and never judge someone unfairly.

C. What example would help me not to confuse facts with opinions?

You can avoid confusion and distinguish fact from opinion with these two examples. Before anyone can express an opinion, facts must first be set in any discussion. Conflicts and misunderstandings arise when these two(2) elements are not clear. Some people have difficulty distinguishing facts from opinions because they are confused. Here are two examples that may help.


  • Opinion: Mangoes are the best fruit.
  • Fact: The temperature has dropped to 4 degrees.

D. Can opinion be fact?

In my opinion, no. I have a hard time distinguishing facts from opinions. Sometimes the facts are beyond us, and we stand still, not understanding them. We don't grasp them. As if they don't exist. Sometimes, opinions are "a fact," which provoke physical, tangible acts and are at the origin of "matter"; that is to say, there are "opinions that become facts." Of course, like opinions are different, so will the facts they produce. They can't stand distinguished from the opinions that caused them. There are sometimes "intangible facts," like the weather. Distinguishing facts from opinions is the most problematic task for the ordinary man, who has the quality of distinguishing one from the other and has a treasure. There are actual "facts" that go one way or the other, depending on the witness who saw it, or who tells it. For example, two people who see "the same fact" rarely say the same thing. Sometimes there is luck, and two people agree that something is a fact, but they are rare and refer to very few things; for example, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

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